Embarcadero® Delphi® XE2, now with FireMonkey™, is the fastest way to deliver ultra-rich and visually stunning native applications for Windows, Mac and iOS – including 64-bit Windows applications. Dramatically reduce coding time and build applications 5x faster. Embarcadero is committed to providing the industry’s broadest and deepest set of software tools for developers, DBAs, and architects. Widely recognized for its award-winning products, Embarcadero enables customers to work more efficiently with the industry’s major database platforms, operating systems, frameworks, and programming languages.
Hi there! How can get ip address and mac address from command shell without root attributes(I can't use 'ifconfig'). Thank you in advance. -- [Adri�n C�rdoba] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ aecordoba wrote: > Hi there! > How can get ip address and mac address from command shell without root > attributes(I can't use 'ifconfig'). > Thank you in advance. > > /sbin/ifconfig -- Vahis aecordoba wrote: > Hi there! > How can get ip address and mac address from command shell wi..
How to get MAC address & IP address?
Dear all how to get the MAC address & IP address using PowerBuilder 6.5? thanks! Michael On Wed, 16 Jan 2002 22:42:51 +0800, 'Michael' <michaell@hknet.com> wrote: >Dear all > > how to get the MAC address & IP address using PowerBuilder 6.5? > thanks! > >Michael > For IP address see http://eric.aling.tripod.com/PB/tips/pbtip14.htm -- Boris Gasin [TeamSybase] mailto:bgasin@dynamictechgroup.com Close to NJ? Join the NJ Sybase Tools User Group http://www.njpbug.org/njpbug/join/join.asp On Wed, ..
How to fix get IP-MAC pairs code below from Delphi 7 to Delphi 2009 ?
How to get All IP - MAC address pairs on local PC by Delphi 2009 ? The Code below can get correct answer on Delphi 7, but get error answer on Delphi 2009. How to fix ? or Are there the better method ? // Delphi 7 (Delphi 2009 failed) // // Get Alll IP-MAC address pairs on local PC // unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; function GetIPMAC: String; const ANY_SIZE = 1; MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH = 8; // arb. MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN = 256; { mrapi.h } MAXL..
Getting the MAC Address, ISP IP, Client IP of the user and verifying it to let the Login
Hi Everyone,Any help for getting the IP address of the client, its MAC address and its ISP IP so that after checking these he will be let into login.RegardsSadeed Remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post If you get answer from this post(s) !Thanks GuysRegardsSid Is this over the LAN or over the internet?Over the internet, you can only get the apparent IP address of the user (which may be the address of the external router).As to getting the IP of the ISP, then closest might be do a traceroute and take the last but IP address. Don't forget to click 'Mark as Answer' on the post that helped you.This credits that member, earns you a point and marks your thread as Resolved so we will all know you have been helped. Thanks for the reply....... I needed to get the MAC address of the client that is connected to the web application....... Also the IP Address of the client and both of these are required over the internet..... Regards Sadeed Remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post If you get answer from this post(s) !Thanks GuysRegardsSid Hi, You can use the following.. HttpContext.Current.Server.MachineName;//To get Machine Name HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;// To Get IP Address Read My Blogs >I needed to get the MAC address of the client that is connected to the web applicationWithout running a script at the client end, you cannot get the MAC address over the i..
Getting MAC and TCP/IP addresses
Hi, Does anyone know how to determine the MAC address of an installed network interface card from within PowerBuilder? How about the current TCP/IP address? I think there are API calls for these items, but I can not seem to find them anywhere. Thanks for the help! Chris Street ctstreet@hydro.mb.ca In article <36EED522.65341440@hydro.mb.ca>, ctstreet@hydro.mb.ca says.. > Hi, > > Does anyone know how to determine the MAC address of an installed > network interface card from within PowerBuilder? How about the current > TCP/IP address? > >..
Get Local IP Address with Delphi 2009
Hi all How can I get the local IP Address with Delphi 2009? All examples i find are only running with Delphi 2007 because they are not using AnsiChar. Thank you for your help Herbert > > All examples i find are only running with Delphi 2007 because they are not > using AnsiChar. Replace Char with AnsiChar in the examples ? I got this off the Internet and I have used it in several projects. I changed char to ansichar for Delphi 2009 and it works. This function uses the winsock unit. function TForm1.GETIPAddress(): string; type pu_long = ^u_long; var varTWSAData : TWSAData; varPHostEnt : PHostEnt; varTInAddr : TInAddr; namebuf : Array[0.255] of ansichar; begin try try If WSAStartup($101,varTWSAData) <> 0 Then Result := ' Else Begin gethostname(namebuf,sizeof(namebuf)); varPHostEnt := gethostbyname(namebuf); varTInAddr.S_addr := u_long(pu_long(varPHostEnt^.h_addr_list^)^); Result := inet_ntoa(varTInAddr); End; except Result := '; end; finally WSACleanup; end; end; > How can I get the local IP Address with Delphi 2009? function LocalHostIP: string; begin result := ''; end; <g> > {quote:title=Herbert Schlup wrote:}{quote} > Hi all > > How can I get the local IP Address with Delphi 2009? > > All examples i find are only running with Delp..
Getting MAC address or Serial number of Hard disk
Hi, I would like to track whether my client come back my site or not. Is it possible to get MAC address or Serial Number of hard disk of client PC accessing our site?ThanksTran Hong Quang There is no direct way of doing this in ASP.NET. However, you could use WMI in ASP.NET, and I beleive WMI can tell you that information.Cheers, Kevin JonesMy Blog..
Ip addresses linked to MAC addresses?
Hi, I recently decided to install a router onto my internet connection, (partially because of my Shields Up results, and partially because my linux computer acting as a router was a bottleneck (ISA ethernet cards. eww)) Anyway, I plugged it in, booted it up, and noticed that my IP address had changed. Now, nowhere in my internet access does it say anything about static IP address, but my IP address hadn't changed for quite some time. (Somewhere in the range of 1-2 years) I thought that this was too much of a coincidence, so I took a closer look at my LinkSys router, and saw a WAN ..
Is there a way to get IP/Host name given the MAC address?
------_=_NextPart_001_01C19DA2.7BFEE650 Content-Type: text/plain; charset='Windows-1255' > Hi, > > Does anybody know's a way to get a Host name > If I have a Mac address both in pc and sun? > (it's the same as RARP but I don't know how to do it using command line ) > > THX > > ------_=_NextPart_001_01C19DA2.7BFEE650-- 1. SUN without DNS: arp -a 2. SUN with DNS: arp -a; nslookup hostname For Example: % arp -a | grep '00:55:' Net to Media Table Device IP Address Mask Flags Phys Addr ------ -------------------- --------------- ----- --------------- hme0 notsoolate.foo.com 00:55:ab:78:89:cd hme0 tiger 00:55:af:78:89:gh % nslookup tiger Server: dnslion.foo.com Address: Name: tiger.foo.com ---------------------------- 3. PC (WIN9X): winipcfg, then click on the 'adapters' pull down menu, and select the Ethernet card. If the information is not enough, click on details. 4. PC (Others) ipconfig {/all} Try help on ipconfig and ifconfig __________________ William Ampeh (x3939) Federal Reserve Board ..
IP Address allocation by mac address
Is it possible to give a specific mac address a fixed IP address when it requests an address from the DHCP server? mike.dawson@scarborough.gov.uk schrieb: >Is it possible to give a specific mac address a fixed IP address when it >requests an address from the DHCP server? Yes. Just create an ip-address-object with manual assignment type in the DNS/DHCP management console. Enter the mac-address, unload and reload the dhcpsrvr module and release and renew the address at the workstation. Important: Don�t touch the client identifier field, when creating the object. J..
IP Number/ IP Address Array
I need to convert the first column of a list of IP numbers to IP addresses. I created an array of my list but am stumped on how to convert the numbers. File: 180884576 imstrmcs05 180884577 imstrmcs06 180884578 imstrmcs07 180884579 imstrmcs08 180884580 imstrmcs09 180884581 imstrmcs10 Script: # Properly formatting into an array open(IPLIST, 'file') || die 'couldn't open the file'; while ($x = <IPLIST>) { chop $x; @arr = split /s+/,$x; print '@arrn'; } # Converting IP number to IP address..
Find an IP address having only the MAC address
Hi again, I've been searching google for a while about this issue, but I'm still too confused. My goal is to discover the IP address of the LAN interface of a Cisco 1721 router (it's located at the office where I work). I know the MAC address because it's written in a sticker at the bottom of the router. But I don't know the password to the router admin console :( The router's LAN interface is connected to a Sun workstation that has two NICs (one of them connected to the cisco and the other connected to a 24- port switch). The Sun machine works as a..
IP address vs MAC address
Ok somebody explain this to me. I understand how IP addresses are issued(well sort of..lol) Is it one IP address to one MAC address?(not accounting for non routable IP space) I understand there can only be one WAN facing IP address per machine/MAC/NIC/etc realizing multiple NICs possible on one computer. If that is the case then how can say a Comcast DHCP server keep from issuing an IP to a MAC address that another provider has already issued an IP for? In this case perhaps someone has made up a MAC address to use in their router for cloning purposes. Or does it really ..
Virtual IP Address (Mac Addressing)
We are planning a 26node cluster Groupwise implementation early next year. After meeting with our Network people, one of them posed the question if Server A (connected to Switch A) fails over to Server B which is connected to Switch B (Will the virtual mac IP address that fails over to Server B be recorded correctly). I was under the impression that the application layer managed it, but we need clarification for Netware. Thanks. Novell's fail-over works by only moving the IP address of a resource and not the MAC address. Therefore, the fail-over is completely transparent ..
how to find ip address from mac address?
It happened more than once. At a customer's office, there is a device with an unknown ip address. We know its mac address. The ip address might be different from the network. For example, the customer's network might be, whereas that device might have the ip address For example, it might be a managed switch that has kept its default ip address. So, it works as a switch, but I cannot manage it. Apart from a sniffer, is there a (free?) software that can scan the network and find ip addresses of all hosts, and/or only of those whose mac address ..
Could I use IdIPWatch to get 'All' IP address by Delphi 2009 ?
Could I use IdIPWatch to get 'All' IP address by Delphi 2009 ? ( IdIPWatch in Indy Misc palette) The code below only get one IP. Thank you very much . uses IdIPWatch; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Clear; Memo1.Lines.Add(IdIPWatch1.LocalIP); end; <ICST ICST> wrote in message news:113236@forums.codegear.com.. > Could I use IdIPWatch to get 'All' IP address by Delphi 2009 ? No. That is not what it is meant for. > The code below only get one IP. As it should be, because that is what TIdIPWatch is desi..
how to get remote device's MAC address by it's IP
HiAnyone knows how to get remote device's MAC address by it's IP, the remote devices are change every 5 minutes, I cannot count on ARP cache.Ben You might get a response in a different forum. this is for a project called 'dotnetnuke'-DarrenNeese.com-DNN ROCKS!-DeveloperSchool.com..
How to get private ip address (intranet IP)
I found some webs at thailand taht can trace both the internet ip and the private ip address, (if user using intranet), of user who are interacting with web site. For Asp.NET . Are there some way to get a private ip address of user ? The link to web site that can traces private ip address http://www.pantip.com/tech/developer/topic/DN1701518/DN1701518.html ..
How to get IP address using Email Address
Hi, I want to know that how can i get actual IP address of a person who is using the email address like gmail, yahoo, msn, etc. If user enter the email address of the any person, it should return the actual IP Address of that person computer which is he connect. Is this possible? Any reference will be apperciated. Guide me...... This is not possible because email address is not related with IP address, Domain names are Mohamed Abb@s------------------------Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post(s) which helps you ! Threre's no correlation between IP address and email addresses. So, it's impossible. HeartattacK: Threre's no correlation between IP address and email addresses. So, it's impossible. Thanks HearattacK, Is there possiblity that when a user type any web url and that request come in my server. Can I get the IP of his/her PC? If yes how is it possible? For example if I type www.yahoo.com then can yahoo able to get my IP address. Where from the request made? Yes you can track each user while visiting your websitesee these sites will help youhttp://www.google.com/analytics/ http://www.ewebcounter.com/ Mohamed Abb@s------------------------Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post(s) which helps you ! bmwz9: Yes you can track each user while visiting your website see these sites will help you http://www.google.com/analytics/ http://www.ewebcounte..
IP Number/ IP Address Array #2
Greetings, I need to convert the first column of a list of IP numbers to IP addresses. I created an array of my list but am stumped on how to convert the numbers. File: 180884576 imstrmcs05 180884577 imstrmcs06 180884578 imstrmcs07 180884579 imstrmcs08 180884580 imstrmcs09 180884581 imstrmcs10 Script: # Properly formatting into an array open(IPLIST, 'file') || die 'couldn't open the file'; while ($x = <IPLIST>) { chop $x; @arr = split /s+/,$x; print '@arrn'; } # Converting IP number..
ip address, mac address, agent name
Hi It seems that I was able to print a report showing IP Address, MAC address and Agent Name all on the same page..Did I make that up? Does anyone know how to do that? Thanks, Kat On Mar 15, 5:16 pm, mepr..@speakeasy.net wrote: > Hi > It seems that I was able to print a report showing IP Address, MAC address > and Agent Name all on the same page..Did I make that up? Does anyone know > how to do that? Well, the MAC address would really be tough as NDPS/iPrint has no need for the MAC address and as such does not record that information anywhere. If the pritner i..
How to get Hostname, IP address, port number, DB name, instance name using Query
As we know, normally we connect to a sybase server by just identifying the node name and interfaces file and necessary properties, but currently I want to get Host-name, IP address, port number, DB name, instance name of connected server out after connection created. Does any one how to use query to do so? Does sybase provide such functionality? Seems oracle can do so.. If there is no query, does sybase provides any API which can implement this? Thanks! instance name: select @@servername [assumes the DBA has defined a local entry in syservers] db name: select db_name() [can be changed with 'use <database>'] ASE host/IP/port# : no way that I'm aware of unless you make a call out to the OS (eg, a shell script) via the XP server, though the external program/script would need to know which interfaces entry you originally accessed; this info could also be determined on the client side and then passed in with the connection (eg, isql's -H option, or as an initial ACF call as the first command once logged in}; must also take into consideration that there can be several 'query' entries in the interfaces file but you won't necessarily know which one your program used to connect to the ASE instance NOTE: ACF Application Context Function; see set_appcontext(), get_appcontext() Keith wrote: > As we know, normally we connect to a sybase server by just > identifying the node name and interfaces file an..
get read obtain ip mac address name user pc name using vb 2008 and asp
these is the code for obtain ip, mac address, name pc, and user in a client side:Imports System.Net.NetworkInformationPartial Public Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Declare Function GetUserName Lib 'advapi32.dll' Alias 'GetUserNameA' (ByVal lpbuffer As String, ByRef nsize As Integer) As Integer Public Function GetUserName() As String Dim iRturn As Integer Dim username As String userna..
Embarcadero Delphi For Mac Osx
Product Editions
Embarcadero Delphi 10.4
Delphi is available in four editions – Community, Professional, Enterprise, and Architect. Delphi is also available as part of the RAD Studio development suite. Choose the Delphi edition that's right for you:
Embarcadero Delphi For Mac Download
Features | Community Suited for individual developers or early-stage startups with limited revenue | Professional Suited for individual developers and small teams building desktop and mobile apps | Enterprise Suited for development teams building client/server or multi-tier apps, REST services, and similar | Architect Suited for enterprise teams building database, cloud, or web-enabled apps |
Build native Windows Applications with High-Performance UI Framework and Components (VCL) | ||||
Build Mobile First, Cross-Platform Apps with Native Experience UI Framework (FMX) and Components (iOS, Android, macOS, Windows) | ||||
Run-Time Library source code | Limited Use | |||
Full Commercial use license | Limited Commercial Use | |||
Connect to local databases and build>Visual Component Library (VCL) is a visual component-based object-oriented framework for developing UIs for Windows applications. It delivers a number of visual and non-visual components to achieve optimal performance and native platform user experience on the Windows OS.Build Mobile First, Cross-Platform Apps with Native Experience UI Framework (FMX) and Components (iOS, Android, macOS, Windows)FireMonkey (FMX) is a visual component framework that uses smart styles and platform services to design the UI once and adapt it to each platform, so you can to target multiple platforms, including both application logic and UI, with the same code. Includes source code for the VCL, FMX and most other libraries, to learn from or extend with your own code Consult the EULA for the full license terms for each edition. Connect to local databases and build>FireDAC local/embedded connectivity to certain local databases, including Microsoft Access database, SQLite database, InterBase ToGo / IBLite, InterBase on localhost, MySQL Embedded, MySQL Server on localhost, Advantage Database local engine, PostgreSQL on localhost, Firebird Embedded, and Firebird on localhost.InterBase is an award winning, high-performance SQL Database with multiple advanced features, including enterprise security, change views, alerts, generators, and more. There are 2 embedded versions, IBLite and IBToGo, which adds encryption support and extra features. Build connected apps with support for remote and enterprise data sources with FireDACFireDAC enables client/server and enterprise connectivity to a wide variety of natively supported databases including InterBase, SQLite, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL Anywhere, Advantage DB, Firebird, Access, Informix, DataSnap and more. Build Linux client / server applications (includes FMX GUI for Linux)The RAD Studio Linux Compiler enables compiling applications to popular Linux platforms. FireMonkey GUI for Linux extends the FireMonkey UI framework to provide full Linux GUI support. Build your REST web services on Linux or Windows with RAD ServerRAD Server is a turn-key Application Server based on REST architecture that provides a robust back-end platform for Delphi and C++ developers, including multiple pre-built applications services and integration capabilities. Connect with the cloud using Enterprise Connectors (CData)Make Connecting to Any Application as Easy as Connecting to a DatabaseMove, integrate, and analyze data with ease utilizing our NEW FireDAC Enterprise Connectors, powered by CData. These unparalleled components allow you to integrate 90+ Enterprise applications, simplifying connectivity into a standard model using SQL. Data today is more decentralized than ever, not to mention difficult to access with the average company running upwards of 20+ SaaS applications, and at least as many on-premise applications. Make better business decisions, eliminate headaches and increase time to productivity by organizing vast amounts of data in an actionable format fast and efficiently with these drivers. Aqua Data Studio provides database design and administration, plus data management and visualization capabilities. Whether you are working with relational, NoSQL, or cloud databases, your data is easily and quickly accessible with Aqua Data Studio. Note: Different individual user permitted. If desired, license for AQDS can be assigned to someone else within your company. Sencha Ext JS helps you build>Note: Different individual user permitted. If desired, license for Ext JS can be assigned to someone else within your company. Delphi ArchitectEmbarcadero® Delphi Architect is the superior choice when you need to build and update>Delphi Architect takes your enterprise and database apps to a new level with the included Aqua Data Studio database modeling and design capabilities. Whether you are working with relational, nosql or cloud databases, your data is easily and quickly accessible with Aqua Data Studio. Build web-enabled and robust enterprise apps using Architect’s included Sencha ExtJS Professional license and the included multi-site RAD Server deployment license. Get more from your embedded database with Architect edition’s included InterBase ToGo license, which offers encryption, no database file limit, and powerful Change Views to keep your applications’ data synced with lower network costs. Delphi Architect edition includes all Enterprise and Professional edition capabilities plus a RAD Server multi-site deployment license, a Sencha ExtJS Professional license, InterBase ToGo license, and advanced data modeling and design. Delphi EnterpriseDelphi Enterprise Edition is our most popular edition for building client/server applications for mobile and desktop platforms! Choose Enterprise Edition to create services-based applications, when you need remote database connectivity capabilities, and when you want to create applications for Linux. Build client/server and n-tier connected apps that connect to a wide array of enterprise database and cloud platforms including Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, Sybase, InterBase, Amazon and Microsoft Azure. The included InterBase ToGo license adds encrypted, embeddable database capabilities for your application. Delphi Enterprise includes FireDAC, a high performance data access library for developing multi-device applications connected to enterprise databases. Enterprise Edition also includes all Professional Edition capabilities plus a RAD Server single-site deployment license ($5000 value), FireDAC data access libraries, an InterBase ToGo license, and support for creating Linux applications in Delphi. Delphi ProfessionalDelphi Professional is the fastest way to build and update>Delphi Professional includes InterBase Developer edition and IBLite for local and embedded database capabilities. Microsoft office 2016 standard for mac. Choose Delphi Professional and start designing and developing multi-device apps today! The default interactive shell is now zsh. Delphi® - Community EditionOur free Delphi Community Edition is designed for freelance developers, startups and nonprofits with revenues under $5000 USD and it allows them to easily design, code, debug, and deploy applications for iOS, Android, Windows and macOS from a single codebase with professional and integrated tools. Frequently Asked Questions Delphi is in RAD StudioDelphi is also available as part of Embarcadero RAD Studio. RAD Studio includes Delphi and C++Builder. |